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Wall of Kindness

Coming Soon

Once in a while an idea comes to someone's mind that changes humanity for the better. One such idea, although initially a small one, has made a huge impact all across our country. Wadaan in Peshawar used the Wall of Kindness that started in Iran for inspiration. Starting off with just a couple of guys painting a wall and attaching hooks, the Wall of Kindness proved that a small effort can do a world of good for the under privileged.

People come daily to leave clothes hanging on the hooks. The less fortunate can take whatever they need. Since it's initiation in Peshawar the idea has spread to a number of cities and towns in Pakistan.

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Every year, Wadaan organizes an open iftar at the 'Wall of Kindness' for the purpose of providing a meal for people who don't have the means to get one themselves. Throughout the 30 days of Ramadan, Iftar is hosted with dates, juice, fruit, samosay and pakoray.

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